Firmware for clock is in publishable condition at last. Now all major functions are implemented and no bugs are (yet) found. But there will be likely future versions with slight fixes and features. And yes, it is made with basic, terrible, horrible and not 1337 at all, but it was easier and I could ask help from friend who have similarly constructed clock. There is also slight chance that I will translate this to avr gcc, but it would be big job, because it have not all functions and stuff.
- Power on self test and reseting settings if RTC battery backup is lost (error 88 88)
- Display off mode: Alarm works, time is shown 5s when snooze button is pressed
- Time display mode: Time is shown at display, alarm works. If enabled from settings, digits are rolled at selectable intervals to prevent cathode poisoning, and can be forced by pressing select.
- Alarm time setting: Alarm time can be set. Select changes between hours and minutes, up/down changes selected.
- Settings mode: Time and settings can be set. Select changes between hours, minutes and setting to be adjusted, up/down changes selected. First display is time. After that comes settings, where setting is shown on left, and value is shown on right. Adjustable settings in this version are:
- Alarm tune selectable in this version are 1: traditional alarm, 2: old nokia style, 3: loud random noise, 4: Grande valse, 5: Leisure Suit Larry theme, and 6: unnamed song. Selected tune can be listened by pressing snooze button.
- Snooze length, how many minutes alarm can be muted, 3 to 15 minutes selectable.
- Roll interval, how often display roll effect is run, selectable 1 step interval 1 to 10 minutes and 5 step interval 10 to 60 minutes.
Up/down button fast forwards when kept pressed. Mode is selected by rotary switch. Alarm is enabled by switch and can be turned off by briefly turning it off position. Snooze button mutes and delays alarm for selected period, when alarm is set and is ringing.
Here is the rolling effect in this version:
And here is bascom source code:
'Firmware for Ketturi Electronics Nixie clock 'Version 1.1 ' 'ATmega16A, 16 MHz external crystal, Low Fuse:0x3E, High Fuse 0xD9 'RTC: DS1307 ' 'Henri Keinonen 2012-2013 'Thanks to vsaar for help :-) '******************** '* Initial settings * '******************** '******************************************************************************* $regfile = "m16def.dat" ' specify the used micro $crystal = 16000000 ' used crystal frequency $hwstack = 32 ' default use 32 for the hardware stack $swstack = 10 ' default use 10 for the SW stack $framesize = 40 ' default use 40 for the frame space '***** Declare subprograms Declare Sub Nixie_write Declare Sub Nixie_roll Declare Sub Alarm Declare Sub Almtune_restore Declare Sub Switch_read Declare Sub Rtc_read Declare Sub Rtc_write_hr Declare Sub Rtc_write_minsec Declare Sub Rtc_write_setting '****** Set i/o ports Ddra = &B00000011 'Set Port As Input / Output Porta = &B11111111 'Enable input pull-ups, 1=on Ddrb = &B00000011 Ddrc = &B00000000 Portc = &B11111100 Ddrd = &B00100100 '****** Define variables Dim Bcdsec As Byte 'BCD Seconds Dim Bcdmin As Byte 'BCD Minutes Dim Bcdhr As Byte 'BCD Hours Dim Decsec As Byte , Decsec2 As Byte 'Decimal seconds & temp minutes Dim Decmin As Byte , Decmin2 As Byte 'Decimal minutes & temp minutes Dim Dechr As Byte Dim Nixmin As Byte 'To be written to minutes nixie Dim Nixhr As Byte 'To be written to hours nixie Dim Tmp1 As Byte : Dim Tmp2 As Byte 'For temporal use only Dim Blinkyglim As Bit 'Blinking glim lights Dim Blinkhm As Byte 'bit 0=1min, 1=10min, 2=1h, 3=10h for nixies,freq: 6= 1Hz, 7= 2Hz Dim Mainmode As Byte Dim Countr As Byte Dim T1count As Word , Nfreq As Word , Nlen As Integer 'Alarm buzzer things Dim T1countd As Dword Dim Almtune As Byte : Almtune = 1 'Selected alarm tune Dim Almmin As Byte : Almmin = 0 'Alarm minutes in decimal format Dim Almhr As Byte : Almhr = 1 'Alarm hours in decimal format Dim Almon As Byte : Almon = 0 'Alarm enabled Dim Almon2 As Byte 'Alarm tune test Dim Snzlen As Byte : Snzlen = 5 'Snooze length Dim Selpos As Byte : Selpos = 1 'For nixie roll) Dim Rollen As Byte : Rollen = 1 'Nixie rolling interval, def. 5m Dim Countrol As Byte : Countrol = Rollen + 1 'Rolling counter, mins to next roll Dim Countrol2 As Byte : Countrol2 = 0 'Rolling counter, 6/122 Dim Countrol3 As Byte : Countrol3 = 0 'Rolling counter, 0-9 numbers Dim Rolph As Byte : Rolph = 0 'Rolling phase, 0=roll not in action Dim Roll_order(10) As Byte 'Order of nixie numbers Roll_order(1) = 1 : Roll_order(2) = 6 Roll_order(3) = 2 : Roll_order(4) = 7 Roll_order(5) = 5 : Roll_order(6) = 0 Roll_order(7) = 4 : Roll_order(8) = 9 Roll_order(9) = 8 : Roll_order(10) = 3 Const Rolphset = 2 'Buttons & switches Dim Swdebr As Byte : Swdebr = 0 'Rotary switch debounce counter Dim Swdebb As Byte : Swdebb = 0 'Pushbutton debounce counter Dim Swrep As Byte : Swrep = 0 'Switch repeat counter Dim Swrs As Byte 'Rotary switches status (new) Dim Swrs2 As Byte 'Rotary switches status (previous) Dim Swpb As Byte 'Pushbuttons status (new) Dim Swpb2 As Byte 'Pushbuttons status (previous) Dim Swbut As Byte 'Pressed button '****** Play some alias Sw_snooze Alias Pinc.6 'Sw on when 1 Sw_alarm Alias Pinc.7 'Sw on when 0 for all but snooze Sw_up Alias Pinc.3 Sw_dn Alias Pinc.5 Sw_select Alias Pinc.4 Upper_glim Alias Portb.1 Lower_glim Alias Portb.0 Alarm_led Alias Portc.2 Hv_power Alias Portd.2 Off_rty Alias Pina.7 Normal_rty Alias Pina.6 Alarm_set_rty Alias Pina.5 Setup_rty Alias Pina.4 Buzzer Alias Tccr1a.com1a1 'PWM controlled buzzer '****** I2C IC addresses Const Rtcw = &HD0 'RTC write address Const Rtcr = &HD1 'RTC read address Const Nmin = &H42 'Nixie minutes address Const Nhr = &H40 'Nixie hours address '****** Config I2C bus Config I2cdelay = 10 Config Scl = Portc.0 Config Sda = Portc.1 I2cinit Waitms 10 'Set timer and interrupts, 16000000/256/256 = 244Hz interrupt rate Config Timer0 = Timer , Prescale = 256 Enable Timer0 Enable Interrupts 'Set Timer1 & alarm buzzer Tccr1a = Bits(wgm11) Tccr1b = Bits(wgm12 , Wgm13 , Cs10) Call Almtune_restore '******************************************************************************* '******************* '* Boot & Selftest * '******************* '******************************************************************************* Set Hv_power 'Enable nixie power supply '***** Nixie testing For Tmp1 = 0 To 9 'Rolls all digits Tmp2 = Tmp1 * 16 Tmp2 = Tmp2 + Tmp1 Nixhr = Tmp2 : Nixmin = Tmp2 Call Nixie_write Waitms 150 Next Nixhr = &HFF : Nixmin = &HFF Call Nixie_write 'Read RTC settings byte I2cstart I2cwbyte Rtcw 'RTC write I2cwbyte &H08 'time&settings avail flag adr I2cstop I2cstart I2cwbyte Rtcr 'RTC read I2crbyte Tmp1 , Nack '02 hr I2cstop 'If settings present, read them If Tmp1 = &H0F Then 'If d/t/s available, then... I2cstart I2cwbyte Rtcw 'RTC write I2cwbyte &H09 'h00 start adr I2cstop I2cstart 'Read other settings from RTC I2cwbyte Rtcr 'RTC read I2crbyte Almhr , Ack '09 Almhr I2crbyte Almmin , Ack '0A Almmin I2crbyte Almtune , Ack '0B Almtune I2crbyte Snzlen , Ack '0C Snzlen I2crbyte Rollen , Nack '0D Rollen I2cstop 'Date and time will be read when entering main program loop 'If no settings present, RTC cleared, set default time & data Else 'If d/t/s not available, then... I2cstart 'Write default settings to RTC I2cwbyte Rtcw 'RTC write I2cwbyte &H00 'memory adr I2cwbyte 0 '00 Bcdsec I2cwbyte 0 '01 Bcdmin I2cwbyte 0 '02 Bcdhr I2cwbyte 7 '03 Wkday I2cwbyte &H01 '04 date (bcd) I2cwbyte &H01 '05 mon (bcd) I2cwbyte &H12 '06 year (bcd) I2cwbyte &H00 '07 rtc mode setting I2cwbyte &H0F '08 &h0F=user settings available I2cwbyte Almhr '09 Almhr I2cwbyte Almmin '0A Almmin I2cwbyte Almtune '0B Almtune I2cwbyte Snzlen '0C Snzlen I2cwbyte Rollen '0D Rollen I2cstop Nixhr = &H88 : Nixmin = &H88 Call Nixie_write Waitms 1500 End If Waitms 300 '******************************************************************************* '********************* '* Main program loop * '********************* '******************************************************************************* Do 'Executed regardless of Mainmode Incr Countr Call Rtc_read If Decsec2 <> Decsec Then 'if seconds changed Decsec2 = Decsec Countr = 0 Call Nixie_write End If If Countr < 61 Then Set Blinkhm.7 'Blinkhm.7 = 2Hz strobe If Countr > 60 And Countr < 122 Then Reset Blinkhm.7 If Countr > 121 And Countr < 183 Then Set Blinkhm.7 If Countr > 182 Then Reset Blinkhm.7 If Countr < 122 Then Reset Blinkhm.6 Else Set Blinkhm.6 '1Hz strobe for glims Call Switch_read If Rolph > 0 Then 'increase Countrol2 if rolling is active Incr Countrol2 If Mainmode <> 1 Then Rolph = 0 If Countrol2 = 12 Then Call Nixie_roll End If If Decmin2 <> Decmin Then 'If minutes has been changed... Decmin2 = Decmin 'update Decmin2 If Almon > 0 Then Decr Almon If Almhr = Dechr And Almmin = Decmin And Sw_alarm = 0 Then 'if alarm time matches... Almon = 1 'set alarm on Call Almtune_restore End If If Mainmode = 1 And Almon <> 1 And Rollen > 0 Then 'check roll counter Decr Countrol If Countrol = 0 Then Countrol = Rollen : Countrol2 = 0 : Countrol3 = 0 Rolph = Rolphset 'activate roll End If End If End If If Almon = 1 And Sw_alarm = 1 Then 'stop alarm if Alm turned off (0=on) Almon = 0 Reset Buzzer End If If Almon = 1 And Swbut.4 = 1 Then 'stop alarm if snooze pressed Almon = Snzlen + 1 Reset Buzzer End If If Almon = 1 Then Call Alarm 'call for alarm tune If Mainmode <> 3 And Almon2 = 1 Then 'Resets tune test if mode changed Almon2 = 0 : Reset Buzzer End If 'Mainmode 0 = dsp off, 1 = time, 2 = alm set, 3 = setup '***** ***** '* Mainmode 0 a.k.a Display off* '***** ***** If Mainmode = 0 Then Reset Hv_power If Sw_snooze = 1 Then 'If snooze is pressed when display Nixhr = Bcdhr : Nixmin = Bcdmin 'is off, then show time for 5s Call Nixie_write Set Upper_glim : Set Lower_glim Set Hv_power Waitms 5000 Else Reset Hv_power End If Else Set Hv_power End If '***** ***** '* Mainmode 1 a.k.a Normal time display* '***** ***** If Mainmode = 1 Then Reset Blinkhm.0 : Reset Blinkhm.1 Reset Blinkhm.2 : Reset Blinkhm.3 If Rolph = 0 Then If Blinkhm.6 = 0 Then 'Blink glims 1Hz Set Upper_glim : Set Lower_glim Else Reset Upper_glim : Reset Lower_glim End If End If If Swbut.3 = 1 Then Countrol = Rollen : Countrol2 = 0 : Countrol3 = 0 Rolph = Rolphset 'activate roll End If Nixhr = Makebcd(dechr) : Nixmin = Makebcd(decmin) 'Read and show time If Rolph = 0 Then Call Nixie_write End If '***** ***** '* Mainmode 2 a.k.a Alarm Time set* '***** ***** If Mainmode = 2 Then Nixhr = Makebcd(almhr) : Nixmin = Makebcd(almmin) 'Convert and show alarm time Call Nixie_write Set Upper_glim : Set Lower_glim If Swbut.3 = 1 Then Incr Selpos 'Select between hrs and mins If Selpos > 2 Or Selpos = 0 Then Selpos = 1 End If If Selpos = 1 Then 'hours selected Set Blinkhm.1 : Reset Blinkhm.0 'Incr hrs when up pressed If Swbut.1 = 1 Then If Almhr = 23 Then Almhr = 0 Else Incr Almhr Call Rtc_write_setting End If If Swbut.2 = 1 Then If Almhr = 0 Then Almhr = 23 Else Decr Almhr 'Decrs hrs when down pressed Call Rtc_write_setting End If End If If Selpos = 2 Then 'minutes selected Set Blinkhm.0 : Reset Blinkhm.1 If Swbut.1 = 1 Then 'Incrs mins when up pressed If Almmin = 59 Then Almmin = 0 Else Incr Almmin Call Rtc_write_setting End If If Swbut.2 = 1 Then 'Decrs mins when down pressed If Almmin = 0 Then Almmin = 59 Else Decr Almmin Call Rtc_write_setting End If End If End If '***** ***** '* Mainmode 3 a.k.a Settings menu* '***** ***** If Mainmode = 3 Then If Selpos < 3 Then Nixhr = Makebcd(dechr) : Nixmin = Makebcd(decmin) 'Convert and show alarm time Set Upper_glim : Set Lower_glim Else Nixhr = Selpos - 2 'Convert 0x to xF Nixhr = Nixhr * 16 Nixhr = Nixhr + 15 Reset Upper_glim : Reset Lower_glim End If Call Nixie_write If Swbut.3 = 1 Then Incr Selpos Almon2 = 0 : Reset Buzzer 'Select setting to be changed If Selpos > 5 Or Selpos = 0 Then Selpos = 1 End If '----Set hours If Selpos = 1 Then 'hours selected Set Blinkhm.1 : Reset Blinkhm.0 'Incr hrs when up pressed If Swbut.1 = 1 Then If Dechr = 23 Then Dechr = 0 Else Incr Dechr Call Rtc_write_hr End If If Swbut.2 = 1 Then If Dechr = 0 Then Dechr = 23 Else Decr Dechr 'Decrs hrs when down pressed Call Rtc_write_hr End If End If '----Set Minutes If Selpos = 2 Then 'minutes selected Set Blinkhm.0 : Reset Blinkhm.1 If Swbut.1 = 1 Then 'Incrs mins when up pressed If Decmin = 59 Then Decmin = 0 Else Incr Decmin Decsec = 0 : Countr = 0 Call Rtc_write_minsec End If If Swbut.2 = 1 Then 'Decrs mins when down pressed If Decmin = 0 Then Decmin = 59 Else Decr Decmin Decsec = 0 : Countr = 0 Call Rtc_write_minsec End If End If '----Set alarm tune If Selpos = 3 Then Set Blinkhm.0 : Reset Blinkhm.1 If Swbut.1 = 1 Then 'Incrs almtune when up pressed If Almtune = 6 Then Almtune = 1 Else Incr Almtune Almon2 = 0 : Reset Buzzer Call Rtc_write_setting End If If Swbut.2 = 1 Then 'Decrs almtune when down pressed If Almtune = 1 Then Almtune = 6 Else Decr Almtune Almon2 = 0 : Reset Buzzer Call Rtc_write_setting End If If Swbut.4 = 1 Then 'test play If Almon2 = 0 Then Almon2 = 1 : Call Almtune_restore Else Almon2 = 0 : Reset Buzzer End If End If Nixmin = &HF0 + Almtune 'convert 0x to Fx If Almon2 = 1 Then Call Alarm End If 'Set snooze length If Selpos = 4 Then ' Set Blinkhm.0 : Reset Blinkhm.1 If Swbut.1 = 1 Then 'Incrs snzlen when up pressed If Snzlen = 15 Then Snzlen = 3 Else Incr Snzlen Call Rtc_write_setting End If If Swbut.2 = 1 Then 'Decrs snzlen when down pressed If Snzlen = 3 Then Snzlen = 15 Else Decr Snzlen Call Rtc_write_setting End If If Snzlen < 10 Then Nixmin = &HF0 + Snzlen 'convert 0x to Fx If Snzlen > 9 Then Nixmin = Makebcd(snzlen) End If 'Set nixie roll interval If Selpos = 5 Then Set Blinkhm.0 : Reset Blinkhm.1 If Swbut.1 = 1 Then 'Incrs rollen when up pressed If Rollen < 10 Then Incr Rollen Else Rollen = Rollen + 5 If Rollen > 60 Then Rollen = 0 Countrol = Rollen Call Rtc_write_setting End If If Swbut.2 = 1 Then 'Decrs rollen when down pressed If Rollen = 0 Then Rollen = 65 If Rollen > 10 Then Rollen = Rollen - 5 Else Decr Rollen Countrol = Rollen Call Rtc_write_setting End If If Rollen < 10 Then Nixmin = &HF0 + Rollen 'convert 0x to Fx If Rollen > 9 Then Nixmin = Makebcd(rollen) End If End If Idle 'idle until next interrupt Loop End 'end of main program loop '******************************************************************************* '**************** '* Sub programs * '**************** '******************************************************************************* '****Read & Write time,date & settings **** 'Read time and date Sub Rtc_read I2cstart I2cwbyte Rtcw 'ds1307 write I2cwbyte &H00 I2cstop I2cstart I2cwbyte Rtcr 'ds1307 read I2crbyte Bcdsec , Ack I2crbyte Bcdmin , Ack I2crbyte Bcdhr , Nack I2cstop Decsec = Makedec(bcdsec) Decmin = Makedec(bcdmin) Dechr = Makedec(bcdhr) 'convert from bcd to dec End Sub 'Write hours into RTC Sub Rtc_write_hr Bcdhr = Makebcd(dechr) I2cstart I2cwbyte Rtcw I2cwbyte &H02 I2cwbyte Bcdhr I2cstop End Sub 'Write min+sec into RTC Sub Rtc_write_minsec Bcdsec = Makebcd(decsec) Bcdmin = Makebcd(decmin) 'convert dec to bcd I2cstart I2cwbyte Rtcw I2cwbyte &H00 I2cwbyte Bcdsec I2cwbyte Bcdmin I2cstop End Sub 'Write settings into RTC Sub Rtc_write_setting I2cstart I2cwbyte Rtcw I2cwbyte &H09 I2cwbyte Almhr '09 Almhr I2cwbyte Almmin '0A Almmin I2cwbyte Almtune '0B Almtune I2cwbyte Snzlen '0C Snzlen I2cwbyte Rollen '0D Rollen I2cstop End Sub '***** Nixie functions ***** 'Wite to Nixie buffers Sub Nixie_write If Blinkhm.7 = 1 And Swrep < 107 Then 'Blink nixies If Blinkhm.0 = 1 Then Nixmin = &HFF If Blinkhm.1 = 1 Then Nixhr = &HFF End If I2csend Nhr , Nixhr 'Write hours I2csend Nmin , Nixmin 'Write minutes End Sub 'Roll nixie numbers (Prevents cathode poisoning) Sub Nixie_roll Reset Upper_glim : Reset Lower_glim Countrol2 = 0 Incr Countrol3 If Countrol3 = 10 Then Countrol3 = 0 : Decr Rolph End If Tmp2 = Countrol3 + 1 If Rolph.0 = 1 Then Tmp2 = 11 - Tmp2 'if rolph is odd number, invert roll order Tmp1 = Roll_order(tmp2) Nixmin = Tmp1 * 16 Nixmin = Nixmin + Tmp1 Nixhr = Nixmin Call Nixie_write End Sub '****Read switches**** Sub Switch_read 'Read Mode rotary switch If Swdebr = 0 Then 'if debounce not going Swrs = 0 Swrs.0 = Off_rty Swrs.1 = Normal_rty Swrs.2 = Alarm_set_rty Swrs.3 = Setup_rty End If If Swrs <> Swrs2 And Swrs < &B1111 And Swdebr = 0 Then 'if status changed Swdebr = 10 'set debounce counter Swrs2 = Swrs Selpos = 1 If Swrs.0 = 0 Then Mainmode = 0 'dsp off If Swrs.1 = 0 Then Mainmode = 1 'time If Swrs.2 = 0 Then Mainmode = 2 'alm set If Swrs.3 = 0 Then Mainmode = 3 'setup End If If Swdebr > 0 Then Decr Swdebr 'Read pushbuttons Swbut = 0 'reset pushbutton output If Swdebb = 0 Then 'if debouncing not active... Swpb = 0 Swpb.0 = Sw_alarm 'read Alarm button Swpb.1 = Sw_up 'read Up button Swpb.2 = Sw_dn 'read Down button Swpb.3 = Sw_select 'read Select button Swpb.4 = Sw_snooze 'read Snooze button Swpb = 31 - Swpb 'invert results to 1=on Toggle Swpb.4 End If If Swpb <> Swpb2 And Swdebb = 0 Then 'if status changed and debouncing not active... Swdebb = 5 'set debounce counter Swpb2 = Swpb 'copy status for comparing next time Swrep = 0 'reset repeat counter End If If Swpb > 0 Then Incr Swrep 'if button pressed, increase repeat counter If Swpb.0 = 1 Or Swpb.3 = 1 Or Swpb.4 = 1 Then 'if Astop or Select pressed... If Swrep = 1 Then Swbut = Swpb 'if just pressed, copy to output If Swrep > 1 Then Swrep = 2 'hold repeat counter for these buttons End If If Swpb.1 = 1 Or Swpb.2 = 1 Then 'if Set+ or Set- pressed... If Swrep = 1 Then Swbut = Swpb 'if just pressed, copy to output If Swrep = 122 Then 'if repeat threshold reached... Swbut = Swpb 'copy to output Swrep = 107 'decrease repeat counter End If End If If Swdebb > 0 Then Decr Swdebb End Sub '****Alarm sound**** (Alarm tunes at end) Sub Alarm If Nlen = 0 Then Reset Buzzer 'PWM off Read Nfreq Read Nlen Nlen = Nlen * 2 If Nlen = 0 Then 'Tune ends Call Almtune_restore Read Nfreq Read Nlen Nlen = Nlen * 2 End If If Nfreq > 0 Then T1countd = 16000000 / Nfreq T1count = T1countd 'set freq. (Crystal / desired freq.) Icr1h = High(t1count) Icr1l = Low(t1count) Compare1a = T1count \ 2 '50% duty cycle Set Buzzer 'PWM on Decr Nlen End If Else Decr Nlen End If End Sub 'Almtune restore Sub Almtune_restore Nlen = 0 Select Case Almtune Case 1 : Restore Almtune1 Case 2 : Restore Almtune2 Case 3 : Restore Almtune3 Case 4 : Restore Almtune4 Case 5 : Restore Almtune5 Case 6 : Restore Almtune6 End Select End Sub '---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Data lines for alarm notes by vsaar '---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' 'Note data: Frequency (Hz, 0 = silent), Duration (1 = 1/122 s, max. 255) 'end mark: 0% , 0% ' Octave1 Octave2 Octave3 Octave4 Octave5 'C 262 523 1046 2093 4186 'C# 277 554 1109 2217 'D 294 587 1175 2349 'D# 311 622 1245 2489 'E 330 659 1319 2637 'F 349 698 1397 2794 'F# 370 740 1480 2960 'G 392 784 1568 3136 'G# 415 831 1661 3322 'A 440 880 1760 3520 'A# 466 932 1865 3729 'B/H 494 988 1976 3951 Almtune1: 'Basic beep Data 2048% , 8% , 0% , 7% , 2048% , 8% , 0% , 7% , 2048% , 8% , 0% , 7% Data 2048% , 8% , 0% , 69% , 0% , 0% Almtune2: 'Nokia alarm Data 2640% , 12% , 0% , 11% , 2640% , 12% , 0% , 11% Data 2640% , 12% , 0% , 11% , 2640% , 12% , 0% , 11% Data 2640% , 12% , 0% , 11% , 2640% , 12% , 0% , 11% Data 2640% , 12% , 0% , 11% , 2640% , 12% , 0% , 11% Data 2640% , 12% , 0% , 11% , 2640% , 12% , 0% , 149% , 0% , 0% Almtune3: 'Cacophony Data 3292% , 7% , 2072% , 7% , 1320% , 7% , 3122% , 7% Data 2281% , 7% , 2609% , 7% , 3186% , 7% , 2848% , 7% Data 1744% , 7% , 2224% , 7% , 3843% , 7% , 3121% , 7% Data 3951% , 7% , 1144% , 7% , 2390% , 7% , 3077% , 7% Data 3040% , 7% , 2891% , 7% , 1680% , 7% , 2595% , 7% , 0% , 0% Almtune4: 'Grande valse Data 1319% , 16% , 1175% , 16% , 740% , 32% , 831% , 32% Data 1109% , 16% , 988% , 16% , 587% , 32% , 659% , 32% Data 988% , 16% , 880% , 16% , 554% , 32% , 659% , 32% Data 880% , 96% , 0% , 280% , 0% , 0% Almtune5: 'Leisure Suit Larry Data 587% , 45% , 622% , 45% , 659% , 45% Data 698% , 30% , 784% , 15% , 587% , 30% , 698% , 30% 't1 Data 0% , 15% , 784% , 30% , 0% , 15% , 587% , 15% Data 698% , 30% , 784% , 15% , 698% , 30% , 932% , 60% 't2 Data 0% , 45% Data 784% , 30% , 932% , 15% , 740% , 30% , 784% , 30% 't3 Data 0% , 15% , 932% , 30% , 0% , 15% , 740% , 15% Data 784% , 30% , 932% , 15% , 1046% , 30% 't4 Data 1109% , 60% , 932% , 15% , 0% , 30% Data 1175% , 44% , 0% , 2% , 1175% , 14% , 0% , 30% 't5 Data 1175% , 44% , 0% , 2% , 1175% , 14% , 0% , 30% Data 1175% , 30% , 1109% , 15% , 1046% , 30% 't6 Data 988% , 60% , 784% , 15% , 0% , 30% Data 1175% , 30% , 1109% , 15% , 1175% , 15% , 0% , 30% 't7 Data 932% , 30% , 1046% , 15% , 0% , 30% , 932% , 15% Data 0% , 45% , 0% , 0% 't8 Almtune6: 'Pipapiipaa Data 880% , 37% , 740% , 37% , 659% , 74% , 554% , 74% Data 880% , 37% , 740% , 37% , 659% , 74% , 554% , 74% Data 1109% , 37% , 988% , 37% , 880% , 74% , 740% , 73% Data 0% , 1% , 740% , 73% , 0% , 1% , 740% , 148% Data 988% , 37% , 880% , 37% , 831% , 74% , 659% , 74% Data 622% , 74% , 587% , 74% , 659% , 111% , 587% , 36% Data 0% , 1% , 587% , 74% , 554% , 148% , 0% , 222% , 0% , 0%
Very nice!…Does the clock use both 12hr and 24hr format?…thank you….
Currently it uses only 24hr format, but I will add functionality to select between them in settings, if I have time to revisit clocks firmware!