I have finally got my own home! I just moved in, and got some furniture cheaply from recycling centre.
Now I’m just waiting to get my desktop computer and electronic equipment from storage. Here’s some more pictures of my new room.I applied to University of applied sciences of Tampere (TAMK). If my entrance examination goes well I will be studying electronics engineering next autumn.
Then I have tons of projects to start and continue. For starters I have Geiger Fox Mk2 in my mind with better case and improved modular design. Then I need a new programmable lab power supply, which to I already found really neat eurocard rack casing.
I also bought this gorgeous Asahi SMC Pentax-M 50mm f1.7 manual film lens, that came with Pentax K1000 film camera, from online auction. It works like a charm with my Canon 550D (which does not work that well itself) after fitting this objective with pentax-k to canon eos bayonet adapter ring (no, I’m not mounting a bayonet to my camera, even tough I shoot with it). I instantly fell in love with this lens .
So keep on channel, after these paid advertising I will continue writing blog about all new wonderful things I make.
Just kidding, there won’t be ads on this site as long as it is not absolutely necessary. Some income would be nice to keep the site rolling tho…